Mehmet U. Soyer

know-how tailored to your needs
CALL +90 216 465 71 76 [email protected] Türkçe sayfalar


Mehmet U. Soyer gives the following standard seminars:

1-HOUR Seminars

30-40 min. presentation followed by 30-20 min. Q&A

Number of participants varies with demand

Topic: Selling Your Company

Seminar 1 – Your company is not your child… On when and why to sell it.

Seminar 2 – Auction your company! – Learn its true value

Topic: Corporate Social Communication

Seminar 3 – To the writer inside of you: Wake up blogger!

Seminar 4 – A new job – Managing the social communication

3-HOURS Events

Delivery type 1: Business breakfast

A 3-hour breakfast with 10 people max.

Delivery type 2: Conference

3 hrs. in 2 parts: 120 min. presentation/15 min. break/45 min. Q&A for 40 people max.

Topic: Selling Your Company

Event 1 - Behind the scenes of a company sale – What they’d never tell you


Event 2 - How to correctly enter your company into Social Media

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